Dates of trips

  • 11/07/2025-03/08/2025


“Snow Leopard” it the title given to mountaineers who have climbed all five seven-thousand-meters high peak of former USSR: Pobeda Peak, Somoni Peak, Korzhenevska Peak, Khan Tengri and Lenin Peak. Completing all the ascenst is a very demanding mountaineering challenge. To turn this dream into a plan, you must first divide it into stages. The first of them should be Lenin Peak.

The mountain is often called the easiest seven-thousander in the world. In fact is technically relatively easy. But still it is a seven thousand meter peak, so some difficulties are inevitable: steep and precipitous terrain, larde glacier crevasses etc. Lenin Peak has a good base camp infrastructure. The bace camp can be reached relatively easily and quickly. In addition, the expedition to Lenin Peak is really unexpensive in comparison to other peaks over 7,000 meters high.

Lenin Peak attracts many mountaineers every year. However, most of them fail to reach the summit. Only about 10% of the daredevils do it. There is also a lot of accidents at Lenin Peak, mainly caused by insufficient preparation and wrong decisions. This proves that the term “easy seven-thousand” is in fact not accurate. Because there are no easy seven-thousanders.

That is why the proper organization of the expedition to Lenin Peak is so important. Every detail can be crucial. Proper preparation of participants of the expedition, proper logistics and planning, choosing the best tactics and proper team management. Our leaders, who have been at the summit many times, do their best to arrange all these issues. We will support you at every stage: from advising which climbs will be the best training before Lenin Peak and how to prepare to maximize your chances for the success, through the proper organization of the expedition, leading acclimatization ascents, and finally leading and managing the summit push.

We designed the schrdule of the expedition to Lenin Peak so that mambers had chance to acclimatize properly and safely carry out the summit push. We have nineteen days plus two reserve days for mountain activities above the base camp. In the base and camp one we use the full package of services, including full board and comfortable accommodation. In high mountains, thereshould be no compromise on such critical issues.



6-12 persons


24 days






3 persons


2900 PLN + 2500 EUR





Trip program

Day 1 – time to fly to Osh. Meeting at Osh airport at night between day 1 and day 2 of the expedition;

Day 2 – drive to the hotel in Osh, rest after the journey. In the afternoon, sightseeing the 3000 years old city. Shopping and free time at tha local bazaar, being famous as the largest in Central Asia. Overnight stay at the hotel;

Day 3 – a partly off-road drive with scenic views, to the base camp under Lenin Peak (3600 m a.s.l.). Overnight in a traditional Kyrgyz yurt or base camp tents.

Day 4 – 21 – mountaineering activities on Lenin Peak. Accommodation in tents provided by BluEmu. On the last day descent to the base camp, overnight in a yurt or base camp tents.

Day 22 – car transfer to Osh. In the evening, celebration of the end of the expedition on Suleiman Hill. Overnight in the hotel in Osh. If the mountaineering activities took longer than expected, this day we descent to the base camp.

Day 23 – free time in Osh or transfer to Osh. Overnight stay at a hotel. In the evening, transfer to the airport.

Day 24 – return flight home

The trip price includes

  • service of 1 BluEmu leader through the whole trip, and during the mountaineering action 1 mountain leader per 3, max. 4 participants;
  • all car transfers listed in the program: from the airport to the center of Osh and back, from Osh to Lenin Peak base camp and back;
  • all accommodation listed in the program: 3 nights at the hotel in Osh, all nights during the stay in the base camp in a traditional Kyrgyz yurt or base camp tents, all nights during the stay in camp I in comfortable double base tents, all nights in camps II and III in tents provided by BluEmu;
  • half board during the stay in the mountains: breakfasts, lunches and dinners served in mess tents by the staff at the base camp and camp
  • during mountaineering activities at Lenin Peak breakfast and dinner prepared together with expedition tourleader. Meals are available in two options: meat and vegetarian (includes fish). Other options (e.g. vegan, gluten-free) are available after early notice and for an additional charge;
  • breakfast during the stay in Osh
  • two-layer expedition tents for 2-4 people in camps II and III;
  • other expedition equipment for activities above camp I: ropes, snow anchors, snow shovels;
  • gas and kitchen utensils as well as other kitchen equipment for cooking meals during ascents above camp I;
  • transportation of common equipment and the expedition on horse backs from base camp to camp I and back;
  • electricity in the base camp and camp I (generator working in the evening);
  • radiotelephone and satellite telephone (the organizer does not guarantee its proper operation at any place and time);
  • all necessary permits;
  • ecological fees and bace camp fees;
  • medical expenses insurance and accident insurance for the entire duration of the trip (during mountaineering days, insurance covering high-risk sports);
  • unique shirt and buff;
  • Polish Tourist Guarantee Fund contribution.

The trip price does not include

  • air ticket to Osh and back;
  • any optional trips;
  • any additional services in the base camp and camp 1 at Lenin Peak, such as: transportation of private luggage, or persons, on horsebacks between base camp and camp I, passing the river on horseback, services of high altitude porters, hot shower, sauna, additional food and drinks, internet use;
  • the cost of calls and text messages from a satellite phone;
  • lunches and dinners during your stay in Osh
  • the cost of individual transfers from or to the airport for arrivals or departures at a different time than most of the group members;


Sign up for Snow Leopard: Lenin Peak