Krakow branch
The Kraków branch is located at:
Krolowej Jadwigi street 29/17
30-209 Krakow, Poland
Here is the main BluEmu equipment warehouse. Here you can pick up the equipment ordered from the “Szpejarka” rental.
From this address we usually set out on our trips and courses. If you want to take a ride by car with us from Krakow, then we usually meet at the parking lot in the yard of the building at Krolowej Jadwigi 29.
At the Krakow Branch, you can also make an appointment, for example, to talk about trips or sign a contract for a selected trip.
Persons willing to visit us at the Krakow Branch are invited to contact us by e-mail, phone or other channels available here.
Here you can see our exact location:
The Krakow branch is outside the paid parking zone. Free parking spaces are available in the surrounding streets. It is a safe and quiet neighborhood. We do not have parking spaces at the company’s premises to leave cars when traveling with us.
About 300m from the Krakow Branch there is the Salwator tram terminus. You can get there from the area of cetral railway and bus stations directly by tram number 2.